Cook Rite by Atosa - 36″ Gas Range, 6 Burners, 26.5″ Wide Oven, NG (AGR6B)
Customer Rating:
★★★★★- Stainless steel exterior including front, back sides, kick plate, back guard and over shelf
- Heavy duty 12″ X 12″ removable, cast iron top grates
- Drip tray provided under burners to catch grease drippings
- 32,000 BTU top burners & 27,000 BTU oven burners
- Oven temperature range between 175°F to 550°F
- Standing pilot for open top burners
- Oven pilot with 100% safety shut off
- Enamel interior oven for easy cleaning
- Multiple position oven rack guides
- Two(2) chrome oven rack per oven standard
- Available in Natural and Propane
- 3/4″ NPT rear gas connection and regulator provided
- Four(4) casters standard
- 1 Year Labour and Parts Warranty
Gas Type: Natural Gas
Ignition: Manual
Hot Plate Burners: 6 – 192,000 total BTU/h
Oven Burners: 1 – 27,000 total BTU/h
Total BTU B.T.U./h: 177,000
Oven Size: 26.5x26x14
Exterior Dimensions: 36x31x57.375
Valve Types: Pilot light
Net Weight (LBS): 440
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